Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Prayer of Confession
The way the word “sin” hits modern people’s ears, it either makes us laugh or shudder. We laugh, because, generally speaking, the word sin is usually used in modern public discourse in a lighthearted, ironic way. But we don’t like to talk about sin seriously. When anyone uses the word sin like I am now, people get very nervous.
Yet the Bible says there’s nothing more important for practical living than for you to understand the concept of sin generally, and your sins in particular. Let’s take a look at this psalm, which will teach us three things about the subject of sin: the poisonous reality, the treatment, and the antidote.
This sermon was preached by Rev. Timothy Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on February 22, 2015. Series "Pilgrim Prayer: Psalms for the Journey". Scripture: Psalm 32:1-11.
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